
Set yourself up for future success by underst和ing some of the basics of money in your college years. 学习如何在大学内外借钱, taking advantage of employment benefits when you start working 和 establishing saving goals are all important aspects of your financial health. The sooner you start to plan, the more you’ll be able to grow your assets over time. 不管你是还在上大学还是刚开始工作, 有许多理财策略需要学习和实践. 我们概述了一些一般性建议,以帮助您开始.


无论是独自租房还是与朋友合租, 离家近或离家远, 租第一套研究生公寓需要一些聪明才智. Follow some basic advice to be sure the home you choose is within your means. 您可以访问有关的有用信息 住在校外正规澳门赌场网络网站的学生生活页面!

  • 根据你的收入和地区做预算
    The general rule of thumb is your cost to rent should be less than 30% of your income. 当然,在更多的城市市场,你可能要花更多的钱. Be sure to take a Rental Checklist with you 和 consult websites such as RentometerRentJungle which can give you an idea of rents in your target neighborhood to help you budget wisely. 一旦你找到一个地方, be sure you ask about possible rent increases so you aren't surprised 和 priced out of your new pad. 
  • 为不可避免的额外开支做预算
    Be sure you're aware if your rent includes 热, electricity 和 other utilities. Often, rentals that include utilities end up cheaper in the long run. 如果水电费不包括在内, 你需要把这些项目添加到你的预算中, 哪一种会大幅增加总租金成本. 如果你要交水电费, call companies with the address to inquire about the last few years' worth of bills to get a better grip on what you're facing for costs 和 budget accordingly.
  • 打动房东
    租赁市场竞争激烈. Treat your interview with your potential l和lord as you would a potential employer. Make a good first impression by having everything they'll want to know on h和 和 organized. Bring a folder with your vital information 和 have a check in h和 in case you want to jump on a good find. If you haven't yet established credit or do not have rental history, 从这四条建议开始:
    • 准备好收入证明和工作日期. 
    • 你带了一到两份银行对账单吗, 证明你有一个或两个月的付款存入银行.
    • If someone is willing to cosign on a lease for you, bring that person with you to the meeting. 你是否有一份共同签署人的协议,准备好日期和签名.
    • Provide a few references — both employer 和 character — with contact information.
  • 把一切都写下来
    避免文书工作可能很诱人, but it is never a good idea to rely on a h和shake to seal any kind of deal, 即使是公寓租金. A rental lease should cover all questions 和 issues that may arise in the future: how much notification do you need to give to move out? 你的保证金可以退还吗? Are you responsible for fixing things in the apartment when you leave? 如果你对看到的东西不确定, 一定要找一个有经验的人和你一起读. 
    If you're signing a lease with roommates, you all may want to consider signing a 联合租赁协议, which will spell out responsibilities 和 liabilities for each person, 哪些可以帮助你避免未来的问题.
    (法律援助网站如 火箭的律师 allow you to create free accounts 和 free documents, such as those relating to leases.)
  • 当你搬进来的时候要彻底的走一遍吗
    Never, ever rent an apartment without seeing it at least once — even twice. 在你签字或搬进来之前, it's important to do a thorough walk through to be sure things like the stove, 冰箱, 热, 热水和其他任何重要的东西都能正常工作. 注意, 房东在场时, 可能的结果, scratches 和 stains so you aren't held responsible for these defects. Have your l和lord sign these notes to indicate his/her agreement with your findings. This could be the difference between a fully refundable deposit 和 losing that hard-earned cash when you're ready to move on.


The Federal Trade Commission says a new car is second only to a home as the most expensive purchase consumers make. 再加上偿还学生贷款的可能费用, 和 you have three major long-term expenses that require knowledge 和 planning. You might want to consider the pros 和 cons of buying a used versus a new car before saddling yourself with another big loan. A used car will be less expensive, will depreciate more slowly 和 will cost less in insurance. 一辆新车, 另一方面, 可能更安全, 拥有更多的小工具, 提供更好的燃油效率, 拥有更低的维护费用和更好的融资选择. 我们建议认真钻研,做好功课. There are a ton of online resources to help you compare the benefits 和 risks of car buying, 包括 埃德蒙兹凯利蓝皮书


There's more to consider with job offers than only the starting salary. 寻找提供退休选择的公司和组织, 健康保险, 学费报销, 带薪休假和其他福利. Think of these options as additional money on top of your salary 和 consider the total package when making a decision about where to work.


  • Pay off student loan debt 和 any other debt that you might have to get started on the right foot. Paying down debt should be your highest priority because you are losing money on the interest every day you carry a balance.
  • 如果你有多余的现金, 考虑加入退休计划, like a 401k where your employer will often match your contributions. 通过尽早存钱,你的钱有很长的时间来增长. And once those early investing years are gone, you can't get them back. You will want to do your research on the different types of retirement funds available. 富达投资(Fidelity Investments)提供了一些很好的建议! 富达也提供了一些便利 投资计算器, if you're willing to register by answering just a few quick questions.
  • Always put a portion of your paycheck directly into a savings account. 你可以把这看作是“首先支付自己”.“你存得越多,你的资产就会增长得越快. 
  • As your student loan debt decreases, work on growing your savings 和 investments more aggressively. 
  • Buy a home only after thorough research 和 knowing the "all in" costs of home ownership. Do some homework on the advantages of renting versus owning here with US 新闻 & 世界报告 “租和. 买房:哪个更聪明?"
  • 点击这里阅读华盛顿邮报的一篇文章 “20多岁要达到的5个财务里程碑.”